Intermediate Python Projects

  • Starting with the project mentioned in the beginner section, see what you can do to make it more sophisticated. Can you make it generate different kinds of codes? Can you create a decoder app that reads encoded messages if the user inputs a secret key? Can you create a more sophisticated code that goes beyond simple letter-replacement?

  • Building off the beginner project, now make a version of Tic-Tac-Toe that has an actual UI you'll use by clicking on open squares Challenge can you write a simple "Al" opponent for a human player to play against?

  • This could really be anything from any website you like. The web is full of interesting data, and if you learn a little about web-scraping you can collect some really unique datasets.

  • How close can you get it to real-time? Can you implement different time zone selectors, and add in the "countdown calculator" functionality to calculate lengths of time?

  • This will vary, but many jobs have some kind of repetitive process that you can automate!

  • Do you want to remember to stand up once every hour during work? How about writing some code that generates unique workout plans based on your goals and preferences? There are a variety of simple apps you can build for yourself to automate or enhance different aspects of your life

  • Build a simple UI that accepts URLS and loads webpages PyWt will be helpful here! Can you add a "back" button, bookmarks, and other cool features?

  • Create an app that helps people write and store notes. Can you think of some interesting and unique features to add?

  • This should show the user some text, and then challenge them to type it while timing them and scoring them on for accuracy.

  • Ever get annoyed when you have to refresh a website to see if an out-of-stock product has been relisted, or to see if any news has been posted? Write a Python script that automatically checks a given URL for updates and informs you when it identifies one (Be careful not to overload the servers of whatever site you're checking, though keep the time interval reasonable between each check)

  • Ever get annoyed when you have to refresh a website to see if an out-of-stock product has been relisted, or to see if any news has been posted? Write a Python script that automatically checks a given URL for updates and informs you when it identifies one (Be careful not to overload the servers of whatever site you're checking, though keep the time interval reasonable between each check)

  • Build an app that displays a random Wikipedia page. The challenge here is in the details can you add user-selected categories? Can you try a different "rabbit hole" version of the app, wherein each article is randomly selected from the articles linked in the previous article? This might seem simple, but it can actually require some serious web-scraping skills